Monday, March 24, 2008


So, the boys were all dressed nice and cooperating for a picture before we left for church yesterday and I didn't charge my camera batteries, so NO PICTURES! Ugh! I was so mad at myself! Then I tried to take them after church with someone else's camera and then the boys would not cooperate, so they'll have to wear their Easter outfits again soon so I can take pictures! I did put some new pics under their Josiah and Josh - 2008 folder though if you want to take a look!

The weather was beautiful for Easter yesterday and we had a packed house at church! If we could get all those people to come to church every week that come on Easter!!! We're trying to get Josiah to understand that Jesus died on the cross for our sins and that he rose from the dead on Easter. He says it, but I know he doesn't quite understand it. I was very moved yesterday by our Easter production and all I could think about while watching Jesus was, "My first born son, Jadon is with him. Jesus is taking care of my little boy." I'm so grateful to Jesus for all He's done for us and all He went through for each and every one of us.


Megan said...

Love the pics of the boys.

Love you and wish we could have been together for Easter. That would have made my day much better than what it was. Love you!

Dana said...

I've done that before...there have been Easter Sundays that I didn't take pictures of my kids. It is frustrating, but it'll be okay! :)
I'm glad your day was good! Our weather wasn't very spring-like.