Monday, June 9, 2008


Still have the sinus infection...ugh! Last night I started the coughing and my chest was hurting sooooooo bad! So, I added some Mucinex to the Zyrtec. Today, I hardly have a voice at all!

Anyway, we're going back and forth counter-offering with the house in IN. We should hear back on the final counter today. It seems like everything is going to go through.

The offer on our house did not accept our counter offer, so we're waiting for another offer. We have another showing tonight, so we're hoping they like it!

And I'm packing some today. The real heavy duty packing will come in this weekend, but I don't want to pack up too much while we're showing our house. So, that's about it!


Megan said...

Still praying hard that everything works out. God is good!

I am so sorry that you still have that nasty sinus infection. Dear God, HEAL her right now! AMEN! GLORY! haha Dad would say, "Now, did you mean that, Megan?" HAHA

I can't wait to see you in 7 days! Tell the boys I am sooo excited and can't wait to go swimming!