Thursday, June 26, 2008

Back home again in Indiana!

Finally, we're here and we're unpacking and we just got our internet/cable hooked up today, so I'm able to update everything! We've moved into our house and right now we're renting it until our house sells in FL. The people that put a contract on our house bailed out, so we're back up on the market again. We've had a few more showings, but no more offers yet. So, please be praying with us!

The boys have made LOTS of new friends in the neighborhood and at church. I love this neighborhood and there's so many kids on our street, so the boys love it. Most of all, they love our huge backyard. The playset looks so small now, but there's so much room for them to run and play! This house is perfect for us and we're so blessed to be able to rent it right now.

It feels really good to be back home in Indiana.


Megan said...


Dana said...

I am sooo praying for you guys. What I've learned from our situation is to not doubt what God has already confirmed (being in Joliet is where He wants us...just as being back in Indiana is where He wants you guys) just because something hasn't worked out. I struggled with that for a long time. Now I know that I should not have been swayed by the wind!

It is difficult, but He will provide! His plans for us are bigger than we can understand. We're praying together on this one!