Monday, September 17, 2007


Last week was a non-stop week. There was something every night of the week. Youth Worship practice on Monday night, I do piano lessons every Tues. night, Youth service on Wed. night, went out with girls from youth on Thurs. night, and Friday night was with my family - finally! That was not a good week. This week isn't much different except for the fact that on Thurs. we leave for our staff retreat. So, I'll be away from my boys for 2 nights. I don't like that, but it's also good to have a break. Usually a few hrs. is a good enough break for me. I'm sure it'll be easier when they get older. I just don't like being away from them at night.

On top of that, Josiah's been wetting his bed almost every night. So, it's back to the pull-ups for night time. I'm getting tired of washing sheets and bedspreads everyday. Sometimes I think he pees in his bed just so he can come sleep in our bed with us. It seems there is always some kind of stage to get through with your kids no matter how old they are. First it's nursing/bottle-feeding, sleeping through the night, then baby food, then learning how to eat solid food, then potty-training, what comes next???? Next fall, I'll be putting Josiah into Pre-K, so I guess that's my next stage for him.

Well, last night we let the boys run through the sprinkler for a while. So, I posted some pictures up for ya'll to look at!


Megan said...

Thanks stinks that he is wetting his bed again. Im sorry. We are going on a youth leader retreat soon too. I hope ur week calms down a little.

Love u

Dana said...

Life is crazy sometimes, isn't it? I'm sorry that you have to be away from your boys that long, especially since these days have been so busy. I'll pray for a quick 2 days and a slower week next week!

So, don't worry, I had to wash Jaxon's sheets this morning, if you know what I mean! Whatever stage it is, I know that you do and you will enjoy it. :)

Dana said...

PS I love the new picture of you and Ronnie! You are a great looking couple!

Megan said...

Hey! We are home from our PYM Conference. It was amazing. Denise May says to tell u and Ronnie hello and they miss you. The dyd's wife. If you didn't remember. Love u!