Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Painting and more painting

I started this morning at 7:30 taping my downstairs....I love the color downstairs, but the dummies used flat paint....you can't wipe it and it doesn't stay clean when you have kids and it marks up really bad! So, I'm using the same color and going over the entire downstairs...quite a job, but it's looking much better....I quit at 3:15 and my first piano lesson started at 4:00. I took a very fast shower!!! I have a 30 min. break right now and then 5 more lessons....then I can eat some dinner!!!! I'll be dead beat tired tonight!!!!

And tomorrow I get to paint some more!!!! Until I get to the stairwell, because that is going to require me to rent a stairwell ladder....ugh!!!


Me..... said...

oooh.... fun. You will have to post some pics!

Dana said...

Good for you! Painting is one of those things that I get so excited to do (must be the excitement of new, fresh colors), but once I start it, I think, "am I nuts?"

I'm planning on painting Jax's room today...well, starting it at least. I've got fun plans for it, so I'm pretty excited. Happy painting to ya!

Bethany Patrice said...

look at you...I'm not allowed to paint in our house. Erik is such a perfectionist when it comes to that stuff and he actually enjoys the process. Not me. I just want to glop it on. Our kitchen is done in flat paint..and I can't stand it.

Lisa said...

Hey, you have been a busy lady! We painted most of the house this past summer, and had our fill of it! Good for you!
:) Hope all is well!