Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Gonna be a long day

Last night I discovered that Josh was running a temperature. I'm guessing it's due to some more teeth that are coming in. This morning he still had a temp, but much lower. So, I'm not able to go to Bible study this morning, which takes up a lot of my day and always makes the day go much faster. So, we're stuck at home today, gonna be a long day! I hate it when my boys are sick, you feel so helpless to make them feel better besides giving them medicine. So, here we are at home all day until dad gets home and then I'm off to piano lessons for the majority of the night.


Bethany Patrice said...

Is he getting his molars? Someone said that kids can teeth up until they are five years old. Yuck!

Dana said...

That stinks! I hate when my kids are sick, too. I would love to take the pain for them if I could! Hang in there...