Thursday, April 30, 2009

What's been going on....

Ok, so Megan has been bugging me about updating my here's what's been going on in my life since Easter.....since Easter is soooooooo over!

Josiah started baseball and has his opening ceremony this Friday night! His team is the Rays. He absolutely loves it!! He's so cute in his helmet!!! Josh loves going to the ball field and just running around and eating snacks and playing with his toys! He so wants to be just like his big brother and do everything Josiah does!

Things at church are going great! We're thrilled about what God is doing in our youth. We've grown in numbers each month. When we first came we had about 30 youth coming and now we're averaging now in the upper 70's-mid 80's. The students are bringing their friends and they're getting saved and they keep coming every week! God is really doing some awesome things and we're so excited! This summer I actually get to go to youth camp, so I'm excited about that too! I haven't been since we started having children, so it's been 6 years or more.

So, these next couple months my life will revolve around church and baseball and I love it!!!


Megan said...

woohoo for an update!
I get to go to youth camp this summer too!!!
Josiah looks so good playing t-ball. I bet Josh will do just as well once he is old enough. Just wait until they both are will be even more busy.
I am so happy that you and Ronnie are happy @ your place in ministry. It makes me happy. I am also so proud of what God is doing in your youth and how your ministry is growing. God is good!
Love yah and thanks for the update!