Monday, December 3, 2007


So, yesterday I did a very bad thing. I left my husband at the church. Some Sundays we drive separtely if one of us has to be there a lot earlier than the other and as I was leaving the church and Ronnie was locking up, I thought we had drove separately that day. But, when I got home and saw that Ronnie's truck was in the driveway, I realized I had done a very bad thing. So, I immediately checked my cell phone and saw I had three voicemails. I wasn't hearing my phone ring because it was still on vibrate and of course I always have loud music on. So, Ronnie ended up bringing a church van home. I just have to go and pick him up from work today. I blamed it on my blonde highlights that I just got and apologized!


Bethany Patrice said...

at least you didn't forget one of your kids. :)

Kelly Weinberg said...

What a funny story! I'm sure Ronnie was very fogiving! I always forget to turn my phone off vibrate after church too! :)